Commercial Amiga Antivirus

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Commercial Amiga Antivirus

Virus Help Team will NEVER in any way support commercial Amiga antivirus programs

The hole idear behind Virus Help Team, is to help Amiga users for FREE, with any virus problems they might have. We will only support free antivirus programs, and if you want to pay a small shareware fee to the programmer, that is all up to you. But to pay a lot of money for a commercial Amiga antivirus program is just stupid. First of all you pay a lot of money, second they can't find as many viruses, as the free antivirus programs can. Some of these commercial Amiga Antivirus programs are ect. 'Siegfried Antivirus', 'Maus Antivirus' & 'Superior Forces Antivirus'.

Virus Test Center Hamburg had this comment about Siegfried Antivirus:
When Siegfried Antivirus is run with the decrunch option, it executes parts of the files in order to decrunch them. Unfortunately in some cases this scan starts the virus in the file as has been verifyed to happen with viruses like Crime1000, Commander-Link etc. This makes the testing of this scanner extremely difficult. For instance after the Commander-Link virus infected the whole test environment, we had to restore the original state from a backup. After that we only tested the scanning capabilities of Siegfried Antivirus only without decrunch, due to a lack of time for re-installation.

In 1997 the Virus Test Center in Hamburg did not test 'Siegfried Antivirus', because Siegfried Antivirus asked them not to do so. (I wonder why?)

(Siegfried Antivirus Screenshot)
The result of the AntiVirus Test in 1996            Other Virus Tests           Virus Test preformed and
Virus Test Center tested with 547 viruses:          From VTC Hamburg:           the author of this test:
--------------------------------------------        -------------------         ------------------------
VT-Schuts v2.81...... = 544 detected viruses        Read test from 1995         Soenke Freitag
VirusWorkShop v5.9... = 542 detected viruses        Read test from 1996         Virus Test Center
Xtruder v2.3......... = 426 detected viruses        Read test from 1997         University of Hamburg
VirusZ II v1.29...... = 412 detected viruses        Read test from 1998         Vogt Koelln Str. 30
Siegfried v1.4....... = 357 detected viruses                                    22527 Hamburg - Germany 

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