SCA the first computer virus in the world - Virus Help Team

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First computer virus in the world
This computer virus shocked the world

Remember the legendary Commodore AMIGA? From the mid-80s to the late 90s, this home computer was among the best-selling computers in the world. And it was on this computer that the first computer virus in the world was created. And its words were, “Something wonderful has happened. Your AMIGA is alive !!!”.

This first virus on the AMIGA computer, however, was harmless. At that time nobody had ever seen a computer virus, and the only surprise of the SCA virus was a message that was displayed on the screen. The amazement is easy to understand, because at that time error messages were limited to a few words such as “error” or “processing…”. This means that while operating systems like Windows surprise us daily with new and sophisticated error messages we’ve never seen before, there were only a handful of error messages on the classic computers of the 80s.

The SCA virus was the first reported virus in the world, and appeared on the legendary Amiga

Besides, there was no Internet, so the term information overload or infobesity was also completely unknown. In short: One knew all messages of the almost by heart, which mostly consisted of messages such as “can’t open”, “not enough memory” or “bad parameters”. No wonder, that when the computer suddenly claiming that it was alive, it was quite a surprise. But who actually came up with this funny computer virus? Responsible for the first computer virus in the world was the cracking group SCA, after which the virus was finally named: the SCA virus. The abbreviation SCA stands for Swiss Cracking Association: An organized group of computer fans, who had set themselves the goal to remove the copy protection of computer software and distribute then in the population for free. It was done mostly in the school backyard, by swapping copies of floppy disks by hand. Such groups pursued the following hacker ethics through by cracking software: “Mistrust authority, all information must be free”.

With this virus, the cracking group just wanted to attract attention. By the way, such groups as SCA still exist today and they are known as release groups. However, they are being persecuted by the FBI and Interpol today. The FBI classified these groups as “highly organized syndicates” in the mid 2000s. These release groups are responsible for each software or movie that is available illegally in the internet, today.

Actually, SCA was the abbreviation of the Swiss Cracking Group “Swiss Cracking Association”, which published pirated software. Their virus, which was written by the SCA member CHRIS, was the first computer virus for the Commodore AMIGA computer, and first appeared in November 1987.

And even today, they do it for free and because they still pursue the ideology of freedom of information. And so that everyone knows who they owe the copy to, you can still find the signature of the cracker groups in these illegally distributed software pieces. However, the cracking group SCA was the first release group which had the idea to camouflaging its advertising in form of a virus.

The entire message on the AMIGA was:
“Something wonderful has happened” Your AMIGA is alive !!! and, even better … Some more of your disks are infected by a VIRUS !! Another masterpiece of The Mega-Mighty SCA !!“.

You can read test from the Virus Test Center in Hamburg of the SCA virus here.                          Go back to previous page

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