Safe made by Zbigniew Trzcionkowski (Amiga) - Virus Help Team



VMKCheckXWatchDog ☣ Safe

By Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Copyright © 1998-2002

Safe is small CLI command to detect linkviruses in your system. It checks memory and itself only when running and does NOT reside anywhere in memory. Safe allows you to remove every patch from several dos and exec vectors.
All You have to do is run my installer script or copy the Safe icon to any HD partition and run it when uou need to... (after using any new software etc.). Don`t forget that running Safe multiple times = a safer system, so you can also add Safe to the buttons of DOpus, Diskmaster etc.

If Safe works - you will not see anything. If a virus is found you have to run a viruskiller ie.. VirusExecutor to remove it. If a new/unknown virus is discovered send it to author of your antivirus or to VHT-DK. You can send me file too. The file is written in special format for known linkviruses to provocate infection. I think that 90% of linkviruses will attack this file, so will be detected.


  • AmigaOS 2.0 or higher.
  • Xvs.library v33.45 or higher - VERY IMPORTANT

Expect that it always checks memory for some most recent things thatxvs doesn't support at the moment and of course for viruses known by xvs.library. It checks it`s file for size, changed instructions, or known viruses. If something is found, you will get a messages via the CLI. The progam will try to recognize and remove any problems from memory via xvs.library or internal routines.

For comments or bug reports or if you have found some new virus, contact the author at the following addresses:

Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Astrow 7
43 250 Pawlowice
(We're not sure if the address is still valid)

Click here to get Zbigniew's Public PGP key.

The eXternal Virus Scanner Library
Safe is now, through the use of the 'xvs.library' able to detect all the older and some of the new viruses. So is is very important that you have the newest update of 'xvs.library' for recognition and disinfection of all the new viruses. Download the latest version of xvs.library made by Georg Wittmann here.


Safe v18.0 (lha packed) Date: 20.06.2002 Size: 18.658 bytes Read me

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