VirusChecker made by By Alex van Niel (Amiga) - Virus Help Team

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VirusZ III ☣ VirusChecker II ☣ VirusExecutorVT-SchutzXVS.LibraryMillVirus Slayer II

VirusChecker II
By Alex van Niel

Copyright © 1990-1995 by John Veldthuis
Copyright © 1996 by David Dustin
Copyright © 1997-2004 by Alex van Niel

VirusChecker II is a program that can be used on any Amiga that is running Workbench 2.04 or better. VirusChecker II is designed to hunt out Amiga viruses and kill them dead. It also scans memory on startup and checks all suspect vectors. It also checks certain memory locations every 2 seconds for infection. It is also possible to use Virus Checker online with a BBS to check incoming archives IMMEDIATELY. This can be done by using the Rexx port of Virus Checker II in combination withthe extraction tool (ArcExtract) which in combination with the Archive Options feature can handle ANY archiver you desire.


VirusChecker II is able to detect older (and some newer) viruses through the use of the xvs library. If you want to benefit from this new feature then you need to fire up VCPrefs and turn the usage of the xvs library on. By default xvs is turned ON, BUT! if you are upgrading VirusChecker II you are likely to have a config already. This means that Xvs is per default turned OFF. If you haven`t saved the config of VirusChecker II before, xvs is turned ON.

VirusChecker II will pick up all the files that it requires from at least 2 places. It will first try PROGDIR: then the alternative place. VirusChecker II will save any of the files it needs to back from where it read it from.
VirusChecker II main window
Click here, to see a big picture

VirusChecker II finds the 'Happy New Year 98' link-virus
Click here, to see a big picture

FREE key-file for Virus Checker II, Yes, you read it right. Virus Checker II is now free. Thanks to all you out there who supported me in the past and to who supported John Veldthuis. This is an official keyfile, release by me (Alex van Niel). If you don't trust this or suspect it is fake, then either contact Jan Andersen (VHT-DK) or me through e-mail.

I feel that the time has come to make VirusCheckerII free and available for every Amiga userin the world. Virus protection should be free, which it always has, but I feel that since other killers offer everything free as well, I feel VirusCheckerII should be completely free as well. So hereby, enjoy it and to all users that paid in the past, don't feel cheated because your contributions made it possible for me to continue, update my system buy new developing software and also you were a sign Virus Checker II was being used. You are to be thanked for your loyalty which I here by do: Thanks! :)

For comments or bug reports or if you have found some new virus, contact the author at the following addresses:

Alex van Niel
Billie Holiday straat 116
2551 WK Den Haag
(We're not sure if the address is still valid)

Press here to get my PGP public key.

The eXternal Virus Scanner Library
VirusChecker II is now, through the use of the 'xvs.library' able to detect all the older and some of the new viruses. So is is very important that you have the newest update of 'xvs.library' for recognition and disinfection of all the new viruses. Download the latest version of xvs.library made by Georg Wittmann here.

Download VirusChecker II here:

VirusChecker II v2.5 (LHA Packed) Date: 03.10.1999 Size: 600.726 bytes Read me
VirusChecker II v2.5 (DMS Packed) Date: 04.03.2025 Size: 535.323 bytes Read me
VirusChecker Keyfile (LHA Packed) Date: 19.08.2001 Size: 4.017 bytes Read me
VirusChecker NG Beta v1b7 (LHA Packed) Date: 08.03.2000 Size: 292.790 bytes Read me

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