Xvs.library made by Georg Wittmann - Virus Help Team

Amiga Antivirus Website

xvs.library History
Copyright © 2002-2022 by Georg Wittmann

============================================================================ == xvs.library - The eXternal Virus Scanner Library == ============================================================================ == Copyright © 1997-1999/2001-2022 by Georg Wittmann == == Copyright © 1999-2001 by Alex van Niel == == Copyright © 2001 by Jan Erik Olausen == ============================================================================ TO DO: ------ - Add full support for 'Neurotic Death' linkviruses (6 versions). These are highly polymorphic and very hard to recognize in files. Currently only the original installer files are recognized, and active viruses will be killed in memory. - Add full support for 'LOBO Hardcore' linkvirus, unfortunately another very polymorphic little beast. Currently it will only be killed in memory. - Try to get the old 'GlobVec144' linkvirus. The only ones who ever had a copy are Heiner Schneegold (VT-Schutz) and Sönke Freitag dn't give it to me :-( ============================================================================ xvs.library 33.47 (size: 67.024 bytes) - Added 'Jackal 2021' bootvirus and its installer (as filevirus). Thanks to Crashdisk for sending the infected archive. - Added at least some code to remove an active 'LOBO Hardcore' link- virus from memory. File recognition and repair code is still to come. xvs.library 33.46 (size: 66.876 bytes) - Fixed recognition for 'VCS 2' bootblock virus to detect encrypted and decrypted versions. Thanks to Jan Andersen of VHT-DK for the report. - Added more bootblock viruses (mostly strains of known viruses): 'Blizzard 1.0 Ultra', 'Copylock', 'Killed Katrin', 'Oral Device', 'Supply Team Lazer', 'SystemZ 5.3 Sear', 'Time Bomb 1 Bad Boy', 'Australian Parasite VHT', 'Warhawk 1 VHT' and 'By J.H.'. Thanks again to Jan Andersen of VHT-DK for sending them. - Renamed bootvirus 'Byte B. 1 Shut Berlin' to only 'Shut Berlin'. - Fixed recognition of 'Revenge Bootloader' bootblock virus in order to detect strains too. Added 'Disk Doktors BJH' bootblock virus. Thanks to Crashdisk for sending them. - Fixed recognition of 'Rene' bootblock virus to avoid false alarms when scanning for bootblock viruses inside files. Thanks again to Jan Andersen for the example file. - Added 'Liquid Acid' linkvirus. This one is quite special as it doesn't change the size of an infected file by simply crunching parts of the original file together with its own code. Thanks once more to Jan Andersen of VHT-DK for the copy. - Added 'DiskJerk' filevirus, the uncrunched version of 'Karacic' filevirus, the three malicious scripts of the StellarX demo called 'FuZZ Script #x' datavirus and the malicious files from Zine #10 disk-magazine called 'Zine10 .fastdir', 'Zine10 c/.fastdir' and 'Zine10 Disk-Validator' filevirus. These were again sent by Jan Andersen of VHT-DK too, thanks. - Analysed 'BBS.Conftop' files said to be AE backdoors, but didn't find any suspicious code. Analysed 'dmv05.exe' file said to be a COP trojan, but that file is truncated, cannot be executed and hence isn't dangerous at all. -> both files NOT added, although VT 3.17 detects them as virus! xvs.library 33.45 (size: 65.508 bytes) - Added icon for the installation drawer, fixed old e-mail address inside the installer script and packed archive with updated LhA (no more Y2K11-bug). Thanks to Stefan A. Haubenthal for the hints. - Fixed MuForce hit in xvsSurveyMemory() that occurs on AmigaOS 3.2 under certain circumstances. Thanks to Gerben van Kesteren for the report and excessive testing. - Added bootblock viruses: 'AmigaMan', 'Amor 1.0' (also added to the sector check, modifies rootblock), 'ASS Protector 1.0 NoFast', 'BJH', 'Black Knight', 'ByteBandit 1 NoTxt1', 'ByteBand. 1 Lemke', 'ByteWarrior (CSP)', 'Chaos Force Five' (a NorthStar strain), a new strain of 'Nasty-Nasty!' (called Corona-Covid19, but we do not use names of real diseases!), 'Revenge BL (Custom)' which is a Revenge Bootloader strain, 'Delta' (CCCP clone, also added as linkvirus), 'Digital Force', 'Disk Doktors NoFast', 'Game Over' (also added to sector check as it spreads over several sectors), 'Gandalf's Rache', a strain of 'Glasnost', 'Goodwill', 'Gurke', 'Jeremy' and its installer (added to file virus brain), 'Lamer Exterminator 1a', 'Lenin Expropriator' (also added to the sector check), 'Magic Plagiator', 'Magic Ultra' (a Disk Doktors strain), 'Nightmare Loader', 'Pong', 'President' (a Megamaster strain that will crash while running), 'Byte B. 1 Shut Berlin', 'Sphinx-O-Virus Pro', 'SystemZ 4.2', 'SystemZ 5.0a', 'SystemZ 6.2', 'SystemZ 6.3', 'TRG Loader', 'Tyrannovirus Rex' (also added to sector check), '9CA61C00 (TON)' (also added to sector check), 'Virus-Murder 5.3', 'Byte Bandit 1 Wus', 'Zenker' (renamed old 'Zenker' to 'Zenker Ingo'). Thanks to Jan Andersen of VHT-Denmark for sending them to me. - Added recognition for sectors 880/881 damaged by 'Zenker Ingo' to xvsCheckSector(). - Added even more bootblock viruses: 'Byte Bandit 1 NoTxt2', 'DeleteSprite0' and 'Gadaffi NoTxt'. Thanks to Jason Smith, CrashDisk and Aldéric for sending them to Jan Andersen of VHT-Denmark. - Added some general recognition code for 'ByteBandit' and 'SCA' strains to xvsCheckBootblock() as so many idiots out there just modify parts (mostly texts) of them to create something 'new'. xvs.library 33.44 (size: 62.684 bytes) - Not a new author, just a new name: After marriage some years ago, my family name is no longer Hörmann, but Wittmann. - Added recognition for AROS systems and enhanced recognition for AmigaOS 4.x in library startup code. - Again reviewed the complete xvsSurveyMemory() code for possible AmigaOS 4.x, AROS and MorphOS problems and fixed them all, no more accesses to protected memory areas or invalid structures. xvs.library 33.43 (only released as beta-version to some testers in 2006) - Fixed bug in LIB_Expunge() function that stole a signal from the calling task. Thanks to Harry Sintonen for the report. - Added recognition for AmigaOS 4 systems to startup code and fixed (hopefully) all critical stuff in xvsSurveyMemory() that formerly crashed when running on AmigaOne. Thanks to ... for beta-testing. xvs.library 33.42 (size: 62.280 bytes) - Fixed bug in xvsSurveyMemory() that appeared with MorphOS port of reqtools.library. Thanks to Harry Sintonen for the report. - Added "Elvin-Agga" bootblock virus. Thanks to Johnney Greever for sending this stone-old bastard (it seems to be from 1990!). - Fixed recognition for "Butonic 1.1" and "Kefrens 2" bootviruses to avoid false detections when scanning for bootblocks in files. Thanks to Thomas Tavoly for the report. xvs.library 33.41 (size: 62.076 bytes) - Added AmigaE/libraries/xvs.m developer file. Thanks must go to Ronald van Dijk for this contribution. - Once again rewritten taskscanner in xvsSurveyMemory() to avoid Disable()s lasting longer than 250µs. Thanks to Christian again for reporting the problems with his FastEthernet card. - Fixed bootblock recognition of "GXTeam" bootvirus to avoid false alarms. Thanks to Ronald van Dijk for the example file. - Fixed problem in xvsCheckFile() that caused Enforcer hits under certain conditions with damaged executables. Thanks again for the example files to Ronald van Dijk. - Added "ASS Protector 1.0" bootvirus clone and its installer and modified recognition for the original virus. Fixed recognition of "Liberator 1.21" filevirus to avoid false alarms. Thanks once more to Ronald van Dijk for the report and example files. xvs.library 33.40 (size: 61.912 bytes) - Added file recognition for some very old installer programs of the following bootblock viruses: Blizzard, CLI-Manager, SystemZ 5.0 and SystemZ 6.4. Thanks to Dirk Stöcker for sending the files. - Added special recognition for "Zeeball AV-Testfile" from Zeeball's antivirus test archive. - Changed several often-used CacheClearU() calls to CacheClearE() for better performance on JIT 68k emulated systems (file analysis and repair code for polymorphic linkviruses have not been changed, as these only get called if some patterns match first). Thanks to Harry Sintonen for the hint. - Fixed bug in xvsCheckFile() that accessed two bytes following the actual file buffer under certain circumstances. Thanks must go to Mikolaj Calusinski for the report and for beta-testing. - Did some compatibility fixes for Pegasos/MorphOS systems. Thanks again to Harry Sintonen for the report and for beta-testing. - Replaced old installer script with an updated version written once again by Dave 'Targhan' Crawford. Thanks! xvs.library 33.39 (size: 61.196 bytes) - Added size check to bootblock virus recognition in xvsCheckFile(). Any files bigger than 2048 bytes will no longer be tested for bootblock viruses to avoid fake recognitions inside disk-images. - Finally fixed the last MuForce hit ($c0.w) in xvsSurveyMemory(). Thanks to Sensei again for the report and Zeeball for further suggestions on this topic. - Fixed severe bug in 'Illegal Access' recognition code that caused crashes on any files with virus-like hunklengths. Thanks to Zeeball for the report and the example files. - Added 'NoName (196 Bytes)' linkvirus and 'XFD Infiltrator' virus. Thanks to Zeeball for sending them. - Fixed problems with native MorphOS applications that directly call xvs.library functions. Thanks to Harry Sintonen for the report and for further help. - Implemented custom Disable() function that prevents loss of data on the serial port during xvsSurveyMemory() calls. Thanks to Christian of CAPS (www.caps-project.org) for the report and the excessive beta-testing! - xvsSurveyMemory() now closes TCP ports opened by several viruses. These currently are: 1666, 2000, 2001, 2227, 2333, 2421, 2551, 4097 and 9876. Please note that closing an open port doesn't cause a virus report, it just happens! - Once again improved the internal security stuff for less timing problems with sensitive software (serial.device still has trouble with 115200 bps on a MC68030, use 8n1.device instead!). - Added 'Neurotic Death' viruses (6 versions) to xvsSurveyMemory() and the installer files to xvsCheckFile(). - Added new developer files created by Dirk Stöcker. Thanks a lot and sorry that I forgot to add them to the last release. - Added installer script written by Dave 'Targhan' Crawford. Thanks a lot for this contribution. xvs.library 33.38 (size: 59.040 bytes) - Just had to fix two problems with the security code: a. Timing has been improved to avoid interference with some music software. Thanks to Paracels/PCB for the report and testing. b. Expunge of library caused access to deallocated memory in some rare cases. Thanks to Mikolaj Calusinski for the report and the excessive beta-testing ;) - Fixed (hopefully all) MuGuardianAngel hits in the SurveyMemory() routine. If anyone detects some more, please send me the logs. Thanks to Thomas Richter for his suggestions about mmu.library, but I finally found an other solution. And thanks to Sensei for reporting all his hits. - Improved speed of SurveyMemory() drastically by skipping similar recognition routines in just one step if their common requirements are not available. xvs.library 33.37 (size: 58.832 bytes) - Once more added some new security features to the library. It will now try to self-defend after alien attacks, only if these efforts fail, the library gets disabled. - Added recognition for 2 demo files that I call 'Anti-UAE Trojan'. Their code checks for UAE systems and in case it finds one will delete important files. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending the demos to me. - Added recognition for a MS-DOS strain of 'Bastard Installer'. Thanks to Jan Andersen for the file. - Added recognition and repair code for 'Bobek 3' linkvirus. Thanks to Zeeball for sending me an infected file, even though it was accidentally :-) xvs.library 33.36 (size: 57.972 bytes) - After several years on a journey the sourcecodes finally came back home;-) Yes, it's me (Georg Hörmann) again, still alive and kicking virus asses... Thanks must go to Alex van Niel and Jan Erik Olausen for keeping the project alive! This update was done by me alone, but in the future, Jan Erik and I will keep the library up-to-date together. - Rearranged and enhanced the security stuff inside the library for 100% detection of any (illegal) function patches. Programs like 'ZeebsVS' will no longer work with this version. Thanks must go to Zeeball for his demonstration of security gaps in the older versions. - Added support for 'IOZ (512 Bytes)' linkvirus. Thanks go to Zeeball for sending it. - Added support for 'Rexxfunc' trojan. Thanks must go to Zeeball and Jan Andersen for sending it. - Totally redesigned the scanner for virus tasks/processes. The new code scans all tasks/processes for every known virus in just one step and can even handle several running copies of one virus correctly (thanks Zeeball for the hint). - Checked ALL the stuff that has been added in my absence since xvs.library 33.18. See below for what I have changed/fixed. Thanks must go to Jan Andersen, Jan Erik Olausen and Zeeball for sending me the missing viruses and lots of other stuff. Special thanks to Zeeball for the ZeebsVS sourcecodes! - Fixed file recognition for 'Bastard Installer 1'. - Renamed 'Miami 4.0 Fake Installer' to 'MUI 4.0 Fake Installer', because that's what it really is. - Renamed 'CCCP Clone' bootvirus to 'Anal Rapes' (its real name), fixed its memory recognition and added it to linkvirus brain. - Removed recognition for 'Doubledensity' bootblock, this is just an intro boot. - Fixed longword access to odd address in 'Jode Capullos 2' file recognition. This caused crashes on 68000 systems. - Fixed memory removal code for 'Zakahackandpatch' and 'Zakapior'. The processes of these viruses might stay in memory up to one minute after they have been detected, that's not a bug, but their own call to Delay() that we have to wait for. - Fixed recognition for 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00 Installers' and added the plain version created by xfdmaster.library 39.13. - Renamed 'MadRoger Short' to 'NoName (248 Bytes)' to follow the guidelines of VTC Hamburg (idea by Jan Andersen). - Renamed '212 Bytes Link' linkvirus to 'NoName (212 Bytes)' and fixed its memory removal code. - Renamed 'Explode Trojan' linkvirus to 'Port 9876' and removed the repair code, we can use 'Fungus' code instead. - Renamed 'Explode Trigger' filevirus to 'Port 9876 Trigger'. - Renamed 'Port 4097 Installer' to 'Port 4097' and added memory removal code for the trojan's process. The process will stay in memory for a while without doing any harm, see explanation at 'Zaka...' above. - Fixed 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' memory removal code. The process gets killed immediately, the patched stack addresses will disappear one by one after a while without doing harm. - Fixed memory and file recognition and the repair code for 'Motaba 3' linkvirus. Now it restores the correct library jumps and can repair even files that have been damaged by the virus (bad branch offsets!). - Fixed memory and file recognition and the repair code for 'Bastard' linkvirus. Now restores all patched functions (inside asl.library and VirusCheckerII) and repairs even big files with bad branch offsets. - File recognition for 'Bastard Installer 2' will now only detect the plain, uncrunched virus as xfdmaster.library unpacks this file correctly. - Fixed brain entry of 'Port 2421' linkvirus (wrong virus length) and added memory recognition. Moved 'Port 2421 Installer' from linkvirus to filevirus brain as it cannot reproduce itself. - Fixed 'Smeg 2a' and 'Smeg 2b' memory removal code. The processes get killed immediately and the patched stack addresses disappear one by one after a while without doing harm. - Fixed repair code for 'Penetrator 2001' linkvirus to handle both ways of infection and added memory removal code (removes the task and 2 of 3 processes, the other one usually should already have been run out or crashed because of bad coding!). - Fixed memory recognition for 'Bobek 2' linkvirus and tuned the file recognition/repair code. Thanks to Jan Erik Olausen for his bug report about the beta-release of this code. xvs.library 33.35 (size: 58.512 bytes) - Added Bobek 2 Installer 1 datavirus. Thanks to Rafal Mania for sending me this file. xvs.library 33.34 (size: 58.424 bytes) - Replaced the Hitch-Hiker 5.00 detection/removal code. Thanks to Georg Hörmann for writing a better code ;) - Cleaned up some code. Got some tips from Georg. So the library is a bit smaller now... - For developers: Added XVSLIST_DATAVIRUSES to xvsCreateVirusList() so that you can view data viruses as well. xvs.library 33.33 (size: 59.756 bytes) - Fixed 2 bugs in Hitch-Hiker 5.00 removal + improved checking. Thanks to Thomas Klein for reporting the bugs. - Removed Sinister Syndicate 1/2 and French from the bootblock recog. They were harmless. Thanks to Dirk Stöcker for telling me. xvs.library 33.32 (size: 59.824 bytes) - Argh... Fixed major bug in Hitch-Hiker 5.00 removal. The virus was removed, but the file was not fixed. Thanks to Jean Holzammer for reporting this bug. xvs.library 33.31 (size: 59.824 bytes) - Improved the Hitch-Hiker 5.00 Link virus. Should be able to detect 99.9% of this virus now... Thanks to Jan Andersen and Treveur BRETAUDIERE for the files - Fixed bug in recog for Bastard Installer 1 File virus - Added recog for 'EICAR STANDARD AV-TEST FILE' This is not a virus, but a testfile that can be found on http://www.eicar.org/anti_virus_test_file.htm The purpose of this test file is to check that your favourite anti virus program really finds it! Deep inside arhcives etc... PS! This is a data file, so you might turn on the 'data file checking' in your virus killer. Thanks to Sami Rautiainen for telling me about this file. xvs.library 33.30 (size: 58.140 bytes) - Added Jode Capullos 2 Trojan file virus Thanks to Fabrizio Bartoloni for the file - Renamed MKG to Jode Capullos 1 - Added Hitch-Hiker 5.00 Installer file virus This is the same for all three link viruses - Added Hitch-Hiker 5.00 Link virus Added Hitch-Hiker 5.00a Link virus Added Hitch-Hiker 5.00b Link virus Thanks to Jan Andersen for the HH5 files. xvs.library 33.29 (size: 56.928 bytes) - Added MKG Trojan File virus Thanks to Golds for the file. - xvs.library has changed name... from: The eXternal Virus Support Library to: The eXternal Virus Scanner Library xvs.library 33.28 (size: 56.828 bytes) - Fixed bug in the memory check routine for Smeg2 Thanks to Luca, Harry and Dirk for telling me about this bug. It will not happen again! xvs.library 33.27 (size: 56.828 bytes) - Added Penetrator 2001 Link virus Thanks to Krzysztof Duda for the files. - Added CCCP Clone Bootblock virus Thanx to Mr Yoard for sending me this bootblock - Fixed bug in recognition code for DKG-Blum file virus again! Thanks to Urban Mueller for reporting this. - Added Smeg2a Installer File virus Thanks to Antonio De Cicco for the file. - Added Smeg2a Link virus - Added Smeg2b Link virus Thanks to Zeeball for the files. xvs.library 33.26 (size: 55.700 bytes) - Added Bobek2 Link virus Thanks to Jan Andersen for the files. Thanks to Zeeball for the memory removal routines. - Added Expl0de Trojan Link virus Added Expl0de Trigger File virus Thanks to Jan Andersen for the files. - Renamed 8x8 Link to Motaba-3 xvs.library 33.25 (size: 54.168 bytes) - Added Zakahackandpatch File virus Thanks to Jan Andersen for the files. - Added Bobek! Link virus Thanks to Jan Andersen, Frank and Zeeball for the files. - Added Bastard Installer 1 Data virus Bastard Installer 2 File virus Bastard Link virus Thanks Jan Andersen and Zeeball for the files. Thanks to Zeeball for the info on this virus and for the decrypt and memory removal routines. - Added 212 Bytes Link virus Thanks to Jan Andersen for the file. - Fixed bug in recognition code for DKG-Blum file virus. Thanks to Jan Andersen for reporting this. - Added Bobek2 Installer File virus Thanks to Fabrizio Bartoloni for telling me about this file. - The library has changed programmer, although Georg does keep all copyrights and remains owner of the sources, I (Jan Erik Olausen) will continue developement. See the README file for my contact address. Thanks to Georg Hörmann and Dirk Stöcker for helping me out with fixing bugs in the source. I couldn't have done this without there help :o) xvs.library 33.24 (size: 52.916 bytes) - Added 4kIntro Trojan Thanks to Ryben Kozlak and Jan Andersen - Added Dkg-Blum Trojan Thanks to Peter Gordon, Urban Mueller and Jan Andersen NOTE: This trojan also replaces or adds a file called asi.library. XVS will not (yet) be able to detect this file because as far as I could analyze it, it looked like a normal VideoTracker file. If XVS would have to see this as a virus, more VideoTracker files will be fake detected. If you have problems or want this added anyway let me know. xvs.library 33.23 (size: 52.868 bytes) - Added Port 4097 Installer (LoadWB) virus Thanks to Zeeball for the files No memory infection found yet, might be added later if one is found. - Added Port 4097 Trojan (RexxFifo.Library) virus Thanks to Zeeball for the file No memory infection found yet, might be added later if one is found. - Added Port 2421 Installer virus (Jizzer) Thanks to Zeeball for the file No additional memory or file infection found yet, might be added later if one is found. - Added Port 2421 Trojan (Mount) virus No additional memory or file infection found yet, might be added later if one is found. These viruses create TCP/IP ports in memory. If a file infected with one or more of these viruses is found on your system, chances are that these ports are open already. For now, you should let the xvs.library remove the virus and then reset your Amiga. (Which is always a good idea after detecting a virus, but that aside of the subject) The ports should then be gone. xvs.library 33.22 (size: 52.732 bytes) - Added 8x8 Link virus. Thanks to Jan Andersen, Chill and Zeeball for the files. Thanks to Heiner Schneegold for the info on this virus. xvs.library 33.21 - Added YamPPCpatch Trojan. When so called "patched" a file called "cedmacros" is put in your "S:". Aferwards, when you press specific buttons in CED ("a", "q", etc.) some lame text is placed in the text you are editing. Highly annoying. The library recognises the "patch" and it's installer. Thanks to Jan Andersen for supplying it to me. Thanks to Urban Mueller for reporting it to Jan Andersen. - Changed position of DoubleDensity bootblock virus in virus list. Wasn't sorted alphabetically properly. - Fixed MUI 4.0 (clickforcolors) entry to a smaller entry (too big a name for some virus killers) xvs.library 33.20 - Quickly fixed the naming of the MUI 4.0 fake. I accidentally named it Miami 4.0 for some reason. Thanks for Dirk Stöcker for noticing this. - Placed the Amos Joshua trojans at the right place in the list for programs that don't sort the virus list before outputting to the user. xvs.library 33.19 - Added Zakapior trojan virus and it's Dropper, thanks to Jan Andersen for sending them. - Added Amos Joshua trojan virus and it's Dropper, thanks to Jan Andersen for sending them. - Added Amos Joshua Clone virus and it's Dropper, thanks to Jan Andersen for sending them. - Added MUI 4.0 trojan virus and installer, thanks to Jan Andersen for sending them. - Added AmigaE modules to archive, including a small example. The modules and example were created by Andrew Cashmore (aj.cashmore@ukonline.co.uk) - The library has changed programmer, although Georg does keep all copyrights and remains owner of the sources, I (Alex van Niel) will continue developement. See the README file for my contact address. xvs.library 33.18 - Fixed bug in recognition code for Elbereth 1 - 4 and Disnomia linkviruses. Some copies have not been detected correctly. Thanks to Dran/Chew-Z for the report and the testfiles. - Added additional verification code for pseudo-executables like 'Scalos.key' starting with $3f3 even if they are datafiles. Thanks to Ramon for the report. xvs.library 33.17 - Added 'STD Crabs #1' linkvirus and its Dropper. Thanks to Jan Andersen and David Knell for sending them. - Added 'STD Vaginitis #1' linkvirus and its Dropper. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending them. - Added 'STD Vaginitis #2' linkvirus, its Dropper and 'STD Vaginitis #3' filevirus. Thanks to Jan Andersen and Jesper Svennevid for sending them. xvs.library 33.16 - Added another security mechanism that should bring up an alert if xvs.library has been modified in length (what usually all viruses do). If such an alert pops up on your computer, please perform a file check with VirusZ on 'xvs.library' in your libs: drawer. The library will therefore no longer refuse to work when it's (possibly) infected. - Oh my god, why am I such an idiot? While analyzing Polish Power linkvirus, it suddenly came to my mind: The polymorphic code of Polish Power is exactly the same as the one Antonio uses. I just had to fix some small routines in the repair code, and now both dangerous linkviruses will be recognized :-) xvs.library 33.15 - My Christmas gift for you: Recognition and repair code for the 'Antonio' linkvirus (that's how I call it!). It uses the ugliest polymorphism I have seen so far, but I nevertheless did it in just 2 days. If there appear infected files that cause problems, please send them to me immediately (by email if possible). Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending me this virus so quickly. xvs.library 33.14 - Added 'Datatypes.Library Trojan'. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending this Miami backdoor. - Please note my new email address in the README file. xvs.library 33.13 - Added Mad_Roger Short linkvirus. - Added Robby bootvirus. Thanks to Peter Lindberg for this really old stuff. It's from 1988 and I've never seen it before!!! - Added 'C' developper files. Thanks to Dirk Stöcker for creating them. xvs.library 33.12 - Added new linkvirus: Fungus/LSD. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending this stuff. xvs.library 33.11 - Added new viruses: UnpackJPEG Trojan, LOBO Simple, LOBO Weird and its Installer. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending the viruses and Dran/Chew-Z for sending them to Jan. - Finally released the developper files (include, autodoc, fd etc.) to the public. It's time now to give other skilled coders the opportunity to develop their own viruskillers... xvs.library 33.10 - Added the rest of the missing viruses from VTC (see below): 666!-Trojan, Mosh 1.0, Promoter 1, Purge Dropper, Purge Trojan, TDTJ Trojan, SehrJung Dropper, SehrJung Trojan, Nibbler 1.0ß Link, Nibbler Installer, New Age (bad linkvirus, can only be deleted). - Added recognition for 666!-Trojan damages to sector check code. - Added recognition for files damaged by Cute Little Ponnies and Inspector X of A.L.F. - Added AmigaRAR.exe Fake, a packed version of Gathering '95 that cannot be decrunched by xfdmaster.library at the moment. I will add the cruncher as soon as possible to xfd.lib, then the extra recognition is no longer needed. Thanks to Jan Andersen for this packed trojan. xvs.library 33.9 - Finally I contacted Soenke Freitag of VTC Hamburg and asked him to send me the old but still missing viruses from their test. I added the following viruses until now: AHM Keymaker 1.1, BBS Blieb6, Miami Fake, BBS MegaMon, DumDum 2, BBS CLP/InspectorX, BootX Updater, Buzz Bomb MKI, Hexer/Bea 1, Hexer/Bea 2, Hexer/Bea 3, Conman Format, Compuphagozyte 13, Disk.info Bomb, Joshua 3 and Christmas Violator. There are still more to come, I will add them (hopefully) in the following 2 or 3 weeks. Special thanks go to Soenke Freitag for the good cooperation and all the work he had with sending me the virus collection. Thanks must go to Markus Schmall and Jan Andersen too for giving Soenke the permission to submit the viruses to me (most of them were NDA). - Added MaxDoorControl + Lib. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending it. xvs.library 33.8 - Added Mad Roger bootvirus and WAWE trojan. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending the trojan. xvs.library 33.7 - Did some internal reworking for better performance. - Added bootblock viruses: AHC, Gadaffi 2, Virus Slayer 6.12. - Added recognition for files damaged by Lisa FuckUp 2.0. - Fixed removal code for ZIB linkvirus. Now detects all files that have been infected by the installer directly. - Added recognition for Doom_CLX Trojan, CompuPhagoLink and X-Ripper 1.1. Special thanks for sending all the above mentioned viruses are going to Jan Andersen. VirusZ did not recognize these viruses at the time when the VTC-Test 1998 took place, therefore the ranking of VirusZ in this test would be even better right now. xvs.library 33.6 - Added HappyNewYear 96/2 clone, HNY 96/3 clone + installer and Sepultura bootblock virus. Thanks to Jan Andersen for submitting them. xvs.library 33.5 - Fixed bug in 'Smeg' recognition. Thanks to Thomas Richter for the tests and the report. - Added 'MKey.exe Fake' trojan. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending it to me. - Added 'HANF' linkvirus. This nasty bastard took me a lot of time. Thanks to Ralph Bernecker and Jan Andersen for sending it to me. xvs.library 33.4 - Added 'ReOrgIt Fake' trojan. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending it to me. xvs.library 33.3 - Added new viruses: 'Death To Maxs' 1-4 trojans. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending them. - Rewritten some memory checking routines for safer execution. xvs.library 33.2 - Just did a little fix in the memory checking code. Some strange patches haven't been accepted. xvs.library 33.1 - Moved all virus recognition and removal code from VirusZ to this library. Several support routines have been rewritten or designed totally new.

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